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Austin Alexander


28 years old. I own Farm Fences of America, and am a contractor with a residential builders permit. We have a YouTube page AMA.farm2022. I have farmed most of my life and started my own last year! We raise beef, chicken, and eggs. All regenerative farm. Pesticide fungicide herbicide and any other thing cide has no room on my farm. No Monsanto here!! He raise health happy animals on rotation, one to 2 moves daily. Are chicken that lay eggs are free range on the 30 acers. Goal is 5,000 meat birds a year's a couple hundred dozen eggs and 15 beef. I have Dexter and Angus. Angus gets grain and dexter are 100% grass fed and finished. Im headed to artifical insemination and embryo school in Mississippi. Then we will start producing full blood Wagyu!!!! Very excited to see where life go's.

30 years old just trying to farm regeneratively and be a good Stuart of the land and animals! We raise custom animals, (you tell us what you want and how you want it raised) grass of grain, gmo or non gmo and have milk heard shares starting at the end of February. Milk is all grass fed, 
Austin Alexander

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