8 years ago, we started raising chickens and Domestic Ducks for eggs for our family's eating. We quickly had lots of family and friends that regularly wanted eggs. So, we started adding various breeds. Around three years ago we started building coops that allow us to separate our breeds. This allowing us to hatch pure bred eggs for hatching chicks for our personal flock. We currently have 150 Chickens and 14 Domestic Ducks and 18 Muscovy Duck As well as raising Honeybees. In January 2023 we started offering Hatching Eggs for Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Leghorns, Polish, Black Australorp, Buff Brahma, Dark Brahma, Silkies, Rose Cone Bantam, mixed bantam, Buff Brahma Bantam and ISA Browns.
Our farm is located in Eden, NC.