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Ridge Walkers Homestead -

We are located along a ridge, on a narrow dirt back woods road in north east Tennessee, in the town of New Tazewell. Our land is at the bottom side of 2 ridges, also known as a holler. This is why we've selected Ridge Walkers Homestead.

Our goal is to grow slow and do things right by our customers, building a long term happy customer base as we grow with you. We started with chickens... selling the eggs that are loaded with many heath benefits then added herbs, assorted berries and vegetable varieties each year while the garden space grew as well.

Gardening along a hillside full of moist clay soil is no easy task. We decided to make long rows of one sided raised beds with wattle fence walls and layered the beds up the hillside.

Working the clay soil into great soil has been the goal over the years. Having chickens and making use of the manure is the gold we needed along with kitchen scraps/compost and chop and drop gardening methods. Nothing goes to waste here, as it should be!

The chickens get to roam free after the first meal is offered then given kitchen scraps or a small 2nd meal during the day. They come running to us when we yell out "come here, come on" or we clap our hands they know its easy eats time. And boy do they run for it and how!

We do not use chemicals in our garden beds, we use BT, diatomaceous earth and baking soda as needed. Our chickens eat from the land and are given high protein feed daily along with black oil sunflower seeds and oats. Kitchen scraps are also offered.

Fruit trees, strawberries, black raspberries, red and black berries, blueberries, cherry bushes and assorted grape vines are also planted and thriving. We hope to be offering peaches, white and regular nectarines, pears, apples and nanking cherries next year.

I cook home-style using what we grow and use the eggs giving by our flock each day. I can what we can't use up to use in the off season. Herbs are dried, vinegar(s) are infused, eggs are pickled and flavorful oils are created from what didn't sell or get use right away.

We brew kombucha and make milk and water kefir each week. The kombucha mother/scobies love our home and brew up fast as does the milk kefir. We sell both milk and water grains and kombucha mother/scobies to those interested in brewing... I can teach you how easy it is.

Ask about custom made pickled eggs, assorted vinegar flavors, assorted herbs or blends, milk kefir grains are for sale on another listing here as well.

I better stop here before I write a short book ~ We can't wait to meet you!!!

New Tazewell 37825

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