Farmish - Home



Hi there

A little about myself. I grew up on a relatively small farm in rural Missouri with my father and Grandparents. My wife and me have been together for 16 years and have a wonderful 10 year old boy. My father is a big part of our farm as well.

Our beef we keep back for butchering is never corralled and has two 40-acre paddocks to roam on. They have an abundance of grass through the summer and during winter they have hay. We also feed them a variety of grain every morning and evening they are puppy dog gentle.

We will have fresh berries this year along with some garden variety produce AND HONEY!

My boy is 10 years old and has quite an egg business. He gets to keep 50% of his egg sales for spending and 50% goes into savings. He would greatly appreciate your business.

11810 Se Hwy Tt
Osceola, MO 64776

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