Shannon Hennig
3 followersStone & Iron Homestead is a family run farm where we try to grow all our own meat, dairy and vegetables. In that path we also have surplus and we offer these surplus items to our community. We grow out produce veggitable and fruit as organically as possible, never spraying with chemicals or anything synthetic, we also raise our meat and dairy animals as organically as possible never feeding them hormones, growth enhancers or unnecessary medicine or vaccines. We also raise our animals to have the very BEST and humane life as we can. Our sheep are rotated on fresh pasture every few days, our cows are allowed access to a huge grassy field and are rotated when the hay fields are dormant. We make our own hay here on the property and feed the land with our own made organic compost. Soon we will be offering free range eggs, pastured whole chicken, and forested pork, along with our pastured beef and lamb. Our large animals are butchered usda, and we choose the most humane, clean, and small business butcher to ensure that our animals only have “one bad day”. Stop by our farm stand open 7 days a week to see what we have available at this time.
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